"Shadow Divers" - Robert Kurson
This book was brought to my attention by a coworker. He was so excited when he was telling me about this book that I had to check it out from the local library. I am currently on the 5th chapter (mind you the chapters are pretty long) and I am LOVING IT!
This book is based around deep sea divers that dive not for the sport of it, but to test themselves. They wanted to push themselves farther than they'd ever gone, and deeper into the ocean waters than any other divers have gone. They wanted to experience a world unlike anything they had seen before. In doing so, the divers have seen their fair share of shipwreck sights. Instead of gathering as much loot as they can, like other divers, the two divers in this book instead try to imagine what the ship was like when it was running, and what the crew members daily lives would have been like. They look at these wrecks and see them as adventures, not pay days. In one particular ship wreck they find more than an adventure, they discover unknown history.
This book is written with an alluring amount of detail. The way that the author describes the diving process makes me feel like I am the diver myself. This book makes me want to dive to the very bottoms of the oceans and experience the shipwrecks for myself... and that in itself is a pretty amazing thing to do. (Yes, I am one of those people that cannot dive into a pool without pinching my nose shut.) I am in awe of the emotions that the author was able to put not only in the characters, but the surrounding environments that the characters are in.
If you are looking for a captivating adventure, one you cannot set down, then this is the book for you. There is heart racing excitement, treasure, death, and passion in these pages, so make sure you have a cuddly blanket, and a bottle of water. As soon as you start reading, you are not going anywhere until you finish! Enjoy!